Wednesday Moringa Articles — Superfood
What are the Benefits of Red Reishi Mushrooms?
Posted by Mark Lubbe on

While reishi mushrooms have gained attention recently, these fantastic fungi have been used for centuries in traditional medicine for their health-promoting properties. What Are Reishi Mushrooms?Reishi mushrooms, scientifically known as Ganoderma lucidum, have a history that spans centuries and continents. Revered in traditional Chinese medicine as the "mushroom of immortality," these fungi are renowned for their potential health benefits. Reishi mushrooms belong to the polypore family, characterized by their unique growth on trees and logs. They have a distinct appearance with a reddish-brown cap and a glossy surface. Health Benefits of Reishi Mushrooms: Boost the Immune System: One of the most...
Moringa Superfood for Super Bodybuilders
Posted by Mark Lubbe on

If you want to be a “Super Bodybuilder” then you need Superfood “Moringa”.
Bodybuilder think that they need protein to build big muscles, but what does the body do with protein?